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Making Money

Renting Your Apartment While You Travel

One of the biggest things that you have to consider when you decide to go traveling is what you do with your house. Some people choose to sell up and throw caution to the wind with travel, using their home proceeds as their cash to use up as they

Small Business Tasks That You Should Be Outsourcing

Outsourcing is perhaps one of the best ways to save time as a small business. When you have a limited number of employees and a restrictive budget, you’ll want to try and find different ways to save money so that you can spend more capital on business growth instead

4 Creative Ways to Generate an Income From Unused Land

If you have vacant land around your property or separate from your home, did you know you could be earning money from the land for not much effort on your part? If you are struggling to make ends meet, then looking at ways to use your land to generate

5 Areas Where You Should Invest Your Money

To have a comfortable life in the future, you need to invest: you might be very comfortable right now, but you never know what the future holds. People who had not invested before the coronavirus pandemic found themselves scrambling for income, while those who did are doing quite well.

Where Should You Invest Your Money?

Looking for a way to make your money grow? There are many investment options that you can look into. Here are some of the most common forms of investment briefly explained.

Big Investments That You Can Explore With No Savings

Did you know a massive percentage of Millenials have admitted to having less than one thousand in savings? You could be reading this right now thinking – yep, that’s me. Although it’s probably a relief to find that you’re not the only one in this position, it’s still not

How to Get the Career You Want & Deserve

If like many people you have reached a point in your life where your current career path is just not doing it for you anymore, then it may be time for a change. Now, we understand that you may have been doing the same job twenty years, and you

How to Finance Your Big Travel Adventure

Many people long to see the world. But travel can be very expensive, and if you want to visit several different countries over one single trip, you may think that this will cost too much.

Some Thoughts on Renting Business Premises Whilst Visiting the UK

So you’re planning on spending some time in the United Kingdom and you are looking to set up in business as a means of sustaining yourself whilst you are there? Actually a lot of visitors do this. It is a good way of raising some much-needed cash for touring

Working Abroad as a Handyman: Do You Still Need Insurance?

Are you an expat looking to bring in some extra money? Perhaps you have just moved to a new country and you are ready to start your new life. Whatever the reason, if you are a handyman working in a foreign country then you still need to know about

Some inspiration for you to start traveling

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